Open Source Detective

Weekly deep dive into open source projects. Tutorials, reviews and blog posts.

Cover Image for Tutorial: Pentesting Device with Raspberry Pi Zero

Lately I’ve been more and more interested in pentesting and cyber security. To continue my deep dive into the topic I’m going to create a pentesting device out of a Raspberry Pi Zero. A few requirements I want to fulfill. First, I’d like to be able to run many of the commands that you can run in Linux. Second, I’d like it to be battery powered and attach my iPhone to it to run commands. Essentially I’d like to be able to carry the device in my pocket and operate it with my iPhone.

Open Source Detective

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Cover Image for Local DNS Server with Pi-Hole

Local DNS Server with Pi-Hole

Recently, I’ve been developing some websites to run on my local network and wanted to create my own DNS server. After some research I realized that building my own custom server would be a lot more work than I wanted to undertake. After a little more searching I came across Pi-Hole which offered a much quicker solution.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Bambu P1S Review: 3D Printing Made Easy!

Bambu P1S Review: 3D Printing Made Easy!

I don’t typically do reviews of products, I’ve always felt I didn’t want to steer someone towards or away from a product because of my singular experience with it. But for the Bambu P1S printer I’d like to break my rule. Only because I love this thing so much.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Building the History Cube: Part Two Configuring the Raspberry Pi

Building the History Cube: Part Two Configuring the Raspberry Pi

Combining my passion for coding, 3D printing, and hardware, the History Cube project emerged as a fusion of digital and tangible creation. This project seeks to create a compact device delivering history facts through a terminal app.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for FFUF The Defacto Tool for Website Penetration Testing

FFUF The Defacto Tool for Website Penetration Testing

There's an abundance of tools at pentesters fingertips to crack a web applications armor. None seem to be more versatile or useful in the discovery phase than FFUF.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Building the History Cube: Part One Ruby Terminal App

Building the History Cube: Part One Ruby Terminal App

Combining my passion for coding, 3D printing, and hardware, the History Cube project emerged as a fusion of digital and tangible creation. This project seeks to create a compact device delivering history facts through a terminal app.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Webtrees on Raspberry Pi with Docker

Webtrees on Raspberry Pi with Docker

Webtrees is an opensource genealogy application which runs on PHP and MySQL. It's a great option for anyone trying to build their family tree and document their genealogy. I recently came across it and wanted to run it on one of my unused Raspberry Pi's.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Wifiphisher Rogue Access Point Attack

Wifiphisher Rogue Access Point Attack

Wifiphisher is a powerful command line tool that ethical hackers can use to create rogue wifi networks and capture sensitive data from unsuspecting users.

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for 7 Cool Kali Linux Commands

7 Cool Kali Linux Commands

Kali linux is an incredibly powerful penetration testing tool for ethical hackers. With the right hardware there’s an endless list tricks and commands you can use to penetrate many different protocols. Here’s a list of our favorites

Open Source Detective
Cover Image for Ethical Hacking Deauth Attack

Ethical Hacking Deauth Attack

For this post I’m going to walk through some of the ethical hacking tools available on Kali Linux and other distributions.

Open Source Detective