Open Source Detective

7 Cool Kali Linux Commands

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Open Source Detective


Kali linux is an incredibly powerful penetration testing tool for ethical hackers. With the right hardware there’s an endless list tricks and commands you can use to penetrate many different protocols. Here’s a list of our favorites:

  1. aireplay-ng - Used to inject packets into a network in order to de authenticate a device from the router it’s attached to.
  2. airodump-ng - Used to monitor all the network traffic around you. You can use more complex scripts to hone in on specific networks and spy on all the devices that are attached to that network.
  3. hydra - Network and login cracker that supports a large list of protocols.
  4. nmap - A network mapping tool for discovering and auditing the security of your network
  5. lynis - Used to scan your operating system for any security vulnerabilities. It will generate reports to help you remediate these issues
  6. aircrack-ng - This is a popular tool for evaluating the security of your wifi networks. It can scan for vulnerable passwords and be used for cracking the WEP keys using PTW attacks, WPA/WPA2- PSK attacks
  7. wpscan - This is a more niche package used specifically for Word Press vulnerability scans. It can be used to detect if your setup or plugins are susceptible to attack.


This is a very simple list of some of the tools that I've used as I get to know Kali linux more. If you're trying to get into the Cyber Security field, knowing how to use these tools can be a huge plus!

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